jueves, diciembre 15, 2005

Goles que marcaron la ruta hacia la gloria

En el fútbol la anotación es la máxima expresión: es el grito contagioso; la alegría consumada; la tristeza reflejada; el esallido encerdecedor; la locura masiva y el pan de los pueblos. Llegar a la final de un campeonato mundial debe ser un momento imperecedero, más aún, si es autor de una o de varias anotaciones.
En los 75 años de la historia de lo mundiales se convirtieron goles de todas las facturas pero los más importantes fueron los que llevaron a la victoria al equipo campeón.
De los 17 certámenesque se han efectuado hasta el presente, nueve han sido ganddos por los que anotaron primeros, siete por los que remontaron y otro se definió por panales tras finalizar igualados sin goles.
En 1930, Dorado puso arriba a Uruguay ante Argentina y la celeste ganó su primer título con marcador de 4-2.
En 1934, Checoslovaquia abrió el marcador por intermedio de Puc frente a Italia, pero perdió 1-2.
En 1938, Italia con gol de Colaussi madrugó a Hugría y luego triunfó por 4-2.
A partir de 1950 comenzó la "mala racha" para todas las selecciones que inauguraron los guarismos. En Río de Janeiro, Brasil, señaló por conducto de Friaca y terminó derrotado por 1-2 ante Uruguay en el famoso "Maracanazo" de ingrata recordatoria para los torcedores canarinhos.
En 1954, Hungría superaba 1-0 a Alemania con gol de Puskas y, en una de las mayores sorpresas de la Copa Jules Rimet, los teutones sacaron a relucir su casta para conquistar los laureles por 3-2.
En 1958, Suecia tomó ventaja sobre Brasil con tanto de Liedholm, pero la magia de los camisetas amarrillas comandados por O' rei Pelé sentencisron el resultado final 5-2 que abriría el camino hacia la obtención de cinco coronas, hasta hoy vitoreadas por los sudamericanos.
En 1962, Masopust de Checoslovaquia puso arriba a su país frente a Brasil, pero perdió el campeonato por 3-1. Este fue el mundial que brilló con luz propia el desaparecido Garrincha.
En 1966, Alemania se adelantó en la pizarra electrónica por intermedio de Haller frente a Inglaterra que se proclamó en monarca mundial después de definir en tiempo adicional, por 4-2.
La mala suerte para el anotador del primer gol finalizó en México '70 cuando Pelé consiguió poner la primera estocada de las cuatro dianas que Brasil le encajó a Italia. Los capitaneados por Carlos Alberto se adjudicaron la Copa Jules Rimet para la eternidad.
En 1974, un nuevo golpe de infortunio toca la puerta de primer anotador. Neeskens pone arriba a Holanda sobre Alemania con un penal, pero los germanos se recuperan y vencen 2-1.
En 1978, "El Matador" Mario Alberto Kempes vulnera lameta de Holanda y Argentina logra su primer título en tiempo extrs con un claro 3-1 sobre la "Naranja Mecánica".
En 1982, El "Bambino de Oro" Paulo Rossi consigue su sexto tanto conscutivo en el certamen y conduce a Italia a un triufo por 3-1 frente a Alemania.
En el segundo mundial escenificado en territorio Azteca, Brown anota de cabeza el tonto inicial albiceleste y Argentina de la "mano" de Maradona agrega a su historia la segunda diadema mundial en 1986.
En 1990, Breheme convirtio de penal el único gol del cotejo que significó la tercera corona de Alamania. El ídolo Diego Armando Maradona culpó al árbitro mexicano-uruguayo Sergio Codesal de haber pitado a favor de los europeos.
En 1994, Brasil e Italia legaron a la final y a los tiempos extras sin consuguir abrir el marcador en la final de los Angeles, Estados Unidos.
Durante los 120 minutos jugados ni los astros Romario, Bebeto y Baggio pudieron romper el cero. En la definición por penales, los Italianos anotaron por conducto de Albertini y Evani. Fallaron: Baressi, Baggio y Massaro. Por Brasil señalaron Romario, Branco y Dunga. En tanto que Marcio Santos remató a las manos de Pagliuca.
En 1998, Francia no dejó de pasar esta gran ocasión para celebrar en casa y terminar bañandose de felicidad con su mejor campagne al encajrle 3-0 a Brasil con goles de Zidane(2) y Petit.
En el 2002, Brasil vuelve a meterse en la final y logra derrotar 2-0 a Alemania con dos goles de Ronaldo que se proclamó como el máximo cañonero con 8 anotaciones. Esta cifra se convirtióen la más alta desde que el Polaco Gregorz Lato anotára siete en Alemania '74. Así, Ronaldo se unió a otros dos sudamericanos que fueron los goleadores del evento con ocho dianas: Guillermo Stábile, de Argentina en 1930 y Leónidas de Brasil en 1938.

Líderes anotadores

14 goles, Gered Mueller (Alamania) en 1970 y 1974.
13 goles, Just Fontaine (Francia) 1958.
12 goles, Pelé (Brasil) 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970.
12 goles, Ronaldo (Brasil) 1998 y 2002.
11 goles, Sandor Kocsis (Hungría) 1954.
10 goles, Teófilo Cubillas (Perú).
10 goles, Gregorz Lato (Polonia) 1974, 1978 y 1982.
10 goles, Gary Lineker (Inglaterra) 1986, 1990.
10 goles, Helmut Rahn (Alemania) 1954, 1958.
Sin embargo durante las 17 Copas Mundiales hasta
hoy celebradas, el Frances Just Fontaine mantiene
vigente el récord de 13 anotaciones en seis partidos
jugados durante la celebracion del campeonato
escenificado en Suecia 1958. Le convirtio a Paruguay (3),
Yugoslavia (2), Irlanda del Norte (2), Brasil (1), Escocia (1)
y Alemania (4).

lunes, noviembre 14, 2005

The True Believer

New Yorker's Join with Celebrities and N. Y. C. Rescue

"To bring mother's day Joy to homeless mothers".

The NYCRM's 3rd Annual Mother's Day
was truly one of blessings for mother and child1everyone involved.
Absolutely everyone from the staff who planned the event with meticulous precision, to the volunteers who gave of their hearts and time and the stalwart residents who labored tirelessly, everyone was rewarded with thanks and smiles after serving a scrumptious meal to our honored guests the forgotten mothers of New York City.

As they feasted on prime rib, twice baked potatoes and green beansClick here to view other services almandine,
the children were treated to chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese. Our special guests were alternately entertained by the Community Christian Singers and the musical offerings of Joe Solerno and were inspired by personal testimonies. Finally, each meal was topped off by that old American standard - apple pie and ice cream!

Here are a few remarks from the residents who toiled long and hard to help bring this day to fruition. Clinton B. exclaimed: "It was fun and emotional for me. That is something I love to do - make people happy!" While Nehemiah S. stated: "I proudly served up portions of love with the prime rib and apple pie!" Lastly, Momoe T. waxed: "…I had a beautiful and lovely day. I saw my life change around. I felt love all over my life. I felt my health and spirit lift up when I helped all the ladies and their kids out of the bus or van."

Hi Mom

The words "Mother's Day" has, for each of us, a very personal meaning.
Here's a tribute by Gerald Cook to that special person everywhere.

"This holiday has a special place in my heart; it's a time to pay homage
to the person, who brought us into the world. Like that old Jewish saying -'God
couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothers'- To me it says even God needed
help with us. Even though my mother is no longer with me, I'll always know what
is meant by a "mothers love "because no one else can love or comfort you, teach and
mother and child2understand you like your mother can. I guess it's due to that special bond that develops between a mother and child during and after birth. It's amazing how she holds you in her arms, and reassures you that everything will be alright. You have no choice but to believe her, after all that's your mother talking. And I believe she would never lie to her child. Because a mother has an unconditional love for her child, no matter if the child might have birth defects or not. A person should never take advantage of their mother because you only get one. And there will be no other! And as we celebrate this day, we should take the time to thank God for this wonderful person he put on earth, to guide on this journey that
is called life."

For more information Click here

martes, septiembre 13, 2005

A New School Prayer...

Now I sit me down in school

Where praying is against the rule.

For this great nation under God

Finds mention of Him very odd.

If Scripture now the class recites

It violates the Bill of Rights.

And anytime my head I bow

Becomes a federal matter now.

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,

That's no offense, it's the freedom scene.

The law is specific, the law is precise,

Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall

Might offend someone with no faith at all.

In silence alone we must meditate,

God's name is prohibited by the State.

We're allowed to cuss & dress like freaks,

And pierce our noses, tongues & cheeks.

They've outlawed guns; but FIRST the Bible

To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,

And the unwed daddy, our Senior King.

It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong,

We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.

We can get our condoms, & birth controls,

Study witchcraft, vampires & totem poles.

But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,

No Word of God must reach this crowd.

It's scary here I must confess,

When chaos reigns the school's a mess.

So, Lord, this silent plea I make:

Should I be shot, My soul please take.

Author Unknown

jueves, agosto 04, 2005


de lilas...
Claros atardeceres de mi lejana infancia
que fluyó como el cauce de unas aguas tranquilas.
Y después un pañuelo temblando en la distancia.
Bajo el cielo de seda la estrella que titila.
Nada más. Pies cansados en las largas errancias
y un dolor, un dolor que remuerde y se afila.
...Y a lo lejos campanas, canciones, penas, ansias,
vírgenes que tenían tan dulces las pupilas.
Fragancia de lilas... By Pablo Neruda

lunes, agosto 01, 2005

Blind Horse     By Anonymous

Just up the road from my home is a field with two horses in it. From a distance each looks like every other horse. But if one stops the car, or is walking by, one will notice something quite amazing. Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind. His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home for him. This alone is amazing.Listening, one will hear the sound of a bell. Looking around for the source of the sound, one will see that it comes from the smaller horse in the field. Attached to her bridle is a small bell. It lets her blind friend know where she is, so he can follow her. As one stands and watches these two friends, one sees how she is always checking on him, and that he will listen for her bell and then slowly walk to where she is - trusting that she will not lead him astray. Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges.He watches over us and even brings others into our lives to help us when we are in need. Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided byGod and those whom he places in our lives. Other times we are the guide horse, helping others see God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, who watches over even a blind old horse,watch over us. Show us the way to You. Provide us with heavenly guides who will lead us to You through the fields of our lives. Amen.

viernes, julio 29, 2005

Ocean Grove Trip

On at hot Tuesday Morning in July, the Residents and Staff of N.Y.C. Rescue Mission embarked on a trip to the Jersey Shore for a day of sun, fan, gospel and entertainment, just to have a nice day at the beach.
While traveling through New Jersey, I was thinking that the day was going to be very boring, so I said a prayer and then I started to look out at the window for something to occupy my mind; the long road ahead was making me fall sleep.
After two hours of riding a bus with out air conditioning we arrived at Ocean Grove beach. From there the fun started: lots of sun sand and plenty of salt water for all to enjoy.
We got a pass from the host of the beach house or pavilion, where we stayed for this short but pleasant day. After we were assigned to our duties, I went to the sandy beach and started to play soccer with my friends. After couple minutes it was sooo hot in the sand that some of the players went to the water for a couple of minutes to refresh themselves, I went too into the cool waters; it was so cool that we went in and out again fast. After a couple times in the water it did not feel so cool; the truth was that it felt nice.
Then about one o clock pm we were called back to the pavilion for regrouping. We were ready for prayers and music. We “the members of the N.Y.C. Rescue Mission Choir” got on stage and the whole event started.
First the introduction, then the prayer; I did the prayer, after the prayer the music began, then the testimonies began, after that the last words and prayer by Mr. James Varnhagan the executive director of the Mission. Then one of the Residents got up and read a poem entitled “Ocean Grove”.
What I’ve learned about the trip is the no matter how bored you are in the morning, after you see a prayer or two your day would change dramatically, even if you have not noticed; the changes are there. So I’ve to give thanks to the one and only responsible for this blessings, Jesus Christ.

jueves, julio 28, 2005

Disclaimer: To write something in the language of Shakespeare is very difficult for me. My native tongue is Spanish, but here goes!

My trip to the Billy Graham Crusade

On the afternoon of a hot summer day in June of 2005, the NYC Rescue Mission had the courtesy to invite me to Flushing Meadows Park in Corona Queens. On this beautiful afternoon the people, from around the world, were reunited for what could be the last public appearance of one of the greatest speakers in the world today: “Dr. Billy Graham”.

When I arrived at this unique and majestic park located in Queens, New York, I was astounded by the number of people. It was like when you come out of five or maybe six football stadiums at the same time. There were so many people everywhere that you had to walk very slowly. Even a two year old baby would be able to keep up the pace in this huge crowd of people.

When I arrived at what looked like the principal stage, I was surprised to find out that it was one of the relay broadcasting centers located in the giant park. One with giant TV screens and had enough chairs to seat people. I sat down in the grass. It was more suitable for me to find a small tree and watch the magnificent event in a cool place.

I have never seen so many people reunited in one place at one single time and without the super vigilance of the police, secret service, coast guard, etc… This is what impressed me most about the event. It was not a political or athletic event but a religious event and during the event, I have the pleasure to say there was no one out of line. People of all races and colors were behaving as if they had done this before. It was an event marked by tranquility. Peace was in the air. I enjoyed it and thanks again to the “New York City Rescue Mission” staff for giving me the opportunity to be part of this unique event. If I had not gone, I don’t know what I would have missed.

lunes, julio 25, 2005

Good afternoon to all visitors during the weekend, I like to take a moment of you time to thank you all in advance for looking at My Blog, Thank you again.
And God Bless You.

jueves, junio 30, 2005

Antonio Machado

Mi infancia son recuerdos de un patio de Sevilla,

y un huerto claro donde madura el limonero;

mi juventud, veinte años en tierras de Castilla;

mi historia, algunos casos que recordar no quiero.

Ni un seductor Mañara, ni un Bradomín he sido

—ya conocéis mi torpe aliño indumentario—,

más recibí la flecha que me asignó Cupido,

y amé cuanto ellas puedan tener de hospitalario.

Hay en mis venas gotas de sangre jacobina,

pero mi verso brota de manantial sereno;

y, más que un hombre al uso que sabe su doctrina,

soy, en el buen sentido de la palabra, bueno.

Adoro la hermosura, y en la moderna estética

corté las viejas rosas del huerto de Ronsard;

mas no amo los afeites de la actual cosmética,

ni soy un ave de esas del nuevo gay-trinar.

Desdeño las romanzas de los tenores huecos

y el coro de los grillos que cantan a la luna.

A distinguir me paro las voces de los ecos,

y escucho solamente, entre las voces, una.

¿Soy clásico o romántico? No sé. Dejar quisiera

mi verso, como deja el capitán su espada:

famosa por la mano viril que la blandiera,

no por el docto oficio del forjador preciada.

Converso con el hombre que siempre va conmigo

—quien habla solo espera hablar a Dios un día—;

mi soliloquio es plática con ese buen amigo

que me enseñó el secreto de la filantropía.

Y al cabo, nada os debo; debéisme cuanto he escrito.

A mi trabajo acudo, con mi dinero pago

el traje que me cubre y la mansión que habito,

el pan que me alimenta y el lecho en donde yago.

Y cuando llegue el día del último vïaje,

y esté al partir la nave que nunca ha de tornar,

me encontraréis a bordo ligero de equipaje,

casi desnudo, como los hijos de la mar.

miércoles, junio 29, 2005

Thank you Donald for inviting me to become part of the editorial team on bladeoftime.

martes, junio 28, 2005


A hot summer day
Queens Corona Park
From around the world
The last public appearance
The greatest speakers
The unique and majestic park
I was astounded
Five or maybe six football stadiums
People every where
You had to walk very slowly
Surprised to find out
Sat down on the grass
Without the super vigilancy of the police, secret service
People of all races and colors were
Behaving as if they had done this before.
My trip to the Billy Graham crusade

On the afternoon of a hot summer day in June of 2005, the NYC Rescue Mission had the courtesy to invite me to Flushing Meadows Park in Corona Queens. On this beautiful afternoon the people, from around the world, were reunited for what could be the last public appearance of one of the greatest speakers in the world today: “Dr. Billy Graham”.

When I arrived at this unique and majestic park located in Queens, New York, I was astounded by the number of people. It was like when you come out of five or maybe six football stadiums at the same time. There were so many people everywhere that you had to walk very slowly. Even a two year old baby would be able to keep up the pace in this huge crowd of people.

When I arrived at what looked like the principal stage, I was surprised to find out that it was one of the relay broadcasting centers located in the giant park. One with giant TV screens and had enough chairs to seat people. I sat down in the grass. It was more suitable for me to find a small tree and watch the magnificent event in a cool place.

I have never seen so many people reunited in one place at one single time and without the super vigilance of the police, secret service, coast guard, etc… This is what impressed me most about the event. It was not a political or athletic event but a religious event and during the event, I have the pleasure to say there was no one out of line. People of all races and colors were behaving as if they had done this before. It was an event marked by tranquility. Peace was in the air. I enjoyed it and thanks again to the “New York City Rescue Mission” staff for giving me the opportunity to be part of this unique event. If I had not gone, I don’t know what I would have missed.

viernes, junio 24, 2005

Buenos días, a todos los que tienen el placer de visitar ésta página de internet, muchas gracias de antemano. La siguiente es una copia de una canción que mis Tíos y mi papá cantaban cuando aún era un Niño.


Autor: Letra: Luis C. Gonzalez/ Música: José Macias
Ritmo: Bambuco.

La capa del viejo hidalgo
se rompe para hacer ruana,
y cuatro rayas confuden
el castillo y la cabaña,
es fundadora de pueblos
con el tiple y con el hacha,
y con el perro andariego
que se trago las montañas.

Abrigo del macho macho
cobija de cuna paisa
sombra fiel de los abuelos
y tesoro de la patria.

Sabor de pecado dulce
y dulce calor de faldas
grita con sus cuatro puntas
el abrazo de la ruana.

Porque tengo noble ancestro
de Don Quijote y Quimbaya,
hice una ruana antioqueña
de una capa castellana.

Por eso cuando sus pliegues
abrazo y ellos me abrazan
siento que mi ruana altiva
me está abrigando es el alma.

Gracias a los amigos de " Nuestra Colombia" por ésta copia de La Ruana.

miércoles, junio 22, 2005

Hello World!